We headed off after a quick breakfast bound for the mountain. All the action would take place at or near the shrine located at the base of the mountain. Each of the different districts in the town of Omihachiman had been working to build a giant wooden float to parade around the streets near the mountain. The floats take months to build and they are crafted with care. Each year there is a different theme that rotates on a twelve-year cycle along with the Chinese Zodiac. This being the year of the rat all floats were to be decorated with rats. We hoped to find some of the floats on our walk to the yama like we did last year. We managed to walk all the way to the base of the mountain without catching sight of one of the illusive three-ton wooden behemoths.
We decided to wander around the back streets around the area. We managed to find one of the floats as finishing touches were completed before the parade began. We had a good time watching the folks make sure that every little detail was perfect for their walk. After seeing this float we were itching to see more. We started to wander back in the direction from whence we came. Rather than take the same path on the return we decided to walk along the canal.
Once on the other side of the canal it seemed to be a good time to enjoy some of the lunch we brought with us. We wandered down and found a bench where we took advantage of the spot to rest our bones while we ate our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and apple slices. We enjoyed our lunch and then it was off to find more of the gargantuan floats.
We sojourned back in the original direction we came from. Logan was scared that we were going home but we soon turned off the main road and found more of the floats. The first one we found was nice, but it was the second where we really had a lot of fun. One of the guys who worked on building this float is a member of the adult class I teach on Thursday night.
We managed to find our way back to the main street just outside the shrine entrance. The street was now closed to automobile traffic, but not to pedestrians or giant wooden sculptures. This was a blessing because there soon would not be enough room for anything other than the mammoth creations and the people bearing them.
The next few floats entered in much the same way, only on a grander scale. Everything was bigger about the next floats. They were carried by bigger people, towered higher in the air, weighed more, and took more time to process to the entry tori.
The two massive creations of logs and mosaics of dried food were set down on their pedestals on the pavement. The two floats faced each other like two sumo wrestlers facing off in the ring. Giant logs crisscross through the float sticking out in front and behind the float by about two meters and on the side by about one. These giant poles give the people carrying the float something to lift the float using. Now they would serve the float in much the same way a bull moose uses it’s antlers during spring. The poles in the front of the float began to move up as the ones in the back were lowered to the ground. The men who were toting the float through the streets now took places at the back in an attempt to brace, support and push the float forward. Meanwhile the other team was completing the same procedure and was getting ready to push their float forward. Both teams began to chant and cheer their team on as they began to surge forward. The floats crashed into each other with tremendous force. We could feel a slight tremor in the earth beneath our feet as four tons of wood collided in the street. They pushed forward into each other with tremendous force.
In the back of the float the men fought to make sure that their team gave no ground in a colossal shoving match. This was float sumo. Sumo is a sport of brute strength where two massive men attempt to push the other to the ground or out of the circle. The first to fall or leave the circle loses the game. The rules were the same here. The first to go down is the loser and must give way to the champion. After much jostling one finally did give and came crashing to the ground. This is a dangerous sport and lives are on the line. There have been instances when these gargantuan floats have crushed the men responsible for them. People run as they topple to the ground. It was amazing to watch them struggle and fight. Then one began to tip. Moments later it crashed down to earth and the participants were left to resurrect the beast.
We began to watch the people. Everywhere we looked the people were as colorful as the floats. The men carrying the floats were often more made up than the women watching. Multicolored hair is almost expected to match and coordinate with the bright colored happi coats and wild outfits. We saw one middle-aged man with giant hoop earrings and enough makeup to shame a streetwalker. Another guy was wearing nothing more than black stretch pants with a strategically placed flower and a Mexican wrestling mask.
The sake and beer flows freely during Sagicho. Each float is followed on the parade by a smaller cart that houses the booze. The booze cart is there to refuel and keep the party flowing. This is the biggest and wildest party this city sees all year and everyone gets into the swing of things. This is a no-holds barred event. As we watched the first of the floats crash into one another on the streets we spied a dog sleeping on the sidewalk. Not more than two feet from his resting muzzle lay an empty beer can.
In order to keep things fun we decided to head home and take a break before things heated back up in the evening. We left one party to find another. As we approached our apartment complex we saw that about twenty people had gathered for a pre-party. This is the way it is. Sagicho is a true party. And after a short respite we would be heading back into the fray.
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